Tuesday, July 25, 2006

SDK 1.3 release, and CVS shenanigans

I've released SDK v 1.3 (a quick poll suggested naming the SDK versions after the Axis version they complement). It's up on SF now.

I also had to do a lot of work in CVS following the SF CVS disaster a while ago, putting a load of orphan 1.3 code. I'm fairly confident its all there and with the correct verions, but if there are any problems post something up!


At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps there may be some issues. I've configured the example: it all works, except that PersonManagementServiceSyncSoap, MembershipManagementServiceSyncSoap and GroupManagementServiceSyncSoap WSDLs crap out with a

Fault - makeTypeElement() was told to create a type "{http://www.imsglobal.org/specs/imsGroupManServiceSyncv1p0.wsdl}ArrayOf_tns3_>extField", with no containing element

The other WSDLs (version and admin) are fine. Poking the soap ports with commands gleaned from the IMS WSDL results in a 404


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